Kalendarium 2018-7-29


ico community rating

ico community rating

ICOCDR.com is a group of 20 experienced community members, who are experts in all fields related to ICOs market. Moreover, ICOCDR provides the opportunity for the community to create they own ranking of every single project. As a result, every ICO will receive two independent ratings: one from...

Data dodania: 2018-07-29   Szczegóły wpisu »

ico experts rating

ico experts rating

ICOCDR.com is a group of 20 experienced community members, who are experts in all fields related to ICOs market. Moreover, ICOCDR provides the opportunity for the community to create they own ranking of every single project. As a result, every ICO will receive two independent ratings: one from...

Data dodania: 2018-07-29   Szczegóły wpisu »